Teorin om Livets Tre Kärlekar aka The Three  LOVES THEORY

The Theory of Life's Three Loves aka The Three LOVES THEORY

The Theory of Life's Three Loves aka The Three LOVES THEORY

Article Source: Poosh.com Photographer: Jennifer Murray, Pexels

There is a theory that says that in our lifetime we will fall in love three times and at three different stages of our lives. Each love is completely unique from the other and comes with lessons that shape us moving forward. The three types of love are the first love , the intense love and the unconditional love . Read more below about the importance of the different phases and what you generally learn during each phase of love.

The first love

The love story - the rose red one. The first love is usually referred to as the all-encompassing crush, that love that seems to be endless. Often we experience our first love during middle school or high school, and it usually ends because you either grow apart or because of some trivial argument that the relationship just isn't strong enough to handle. This love is usually more superficial, with some focus on how others view the relationship. While it definitely feels like real love at this time, it's usually not the deep, genuine love that you'll experience later. The heartbreak, on the other hand, can feel enormous, but you usually recover relatively quickly anyway.

The lesson: Falling head over heels for love is the most incredible feeling in the world, but not all relationships last forever, and they definitely are n't always like love is in the movies.

The intense love

The second phase of love, the love that usually turns our world upside down. When we fall into this intense love story, the relationship becomes a mirror of our soul: we see all our insecurities, our needs and our desires staring back at us. In this relationship, we can experience jealousy, fear and self-doubt that we have never felt before. The relationship comes with huge highs and dramatic lows. We often try to mold the other half into our perfect partner, and we try to mold ourselves to become their other half. This is the love that feels like a roller coaster and the one that can leave us emotionally on guard, suspicious and hurt. When and if heartbreak comes, it can be indescribably painful, but it is also through this heartbreak that we truly grow, change and evolve while finding the inner strength and resilience we didn't know we had.

The lesson: What we want and what we absolutely do not want in a relationship.

The unconditional love

After we have recovered from the heartache of intense love and started to cultivate self-love, the unexpected love comes. The one that comes out of nowhere and feels completely right. There are no games, and when you are with this person/partner, you simply feel "at home". You embrace everything, have more tolerance for the person's flaws and all personal nuances. You feel like you can be yourself with this person more than you ever have with anyone else before. You constantly inspire each other to be the best versions of yourselves. When you face an obstacle or challenge in the relationship, you work together to overcome it because you are both committed to your future. This is the unconditional love that marks the beginning of "forever".

The lesson: That true love exists and that it is possible to feel completely safe, protected and admired by another person.